Closed JSC “Electrovypryamitel-Works of special transformers”

                                                                                                                                                             russian version          



        We are always at your disposal. We are ready to develop and deliver any electric article, as well as oversized equipment taking into account Customer’s requirements.

The works can render the following services:

- complete delivery of all types of electrical equipment, including auxiliary equipment set as well should the need arix;

- using equipment inspection;

- commissioning performance;

- maintenance within guarantee period;

- spare parts delivery;

- finishing and shot cleaning of  a car disks;

- argon welding.

        Main strategy of Closed JSC "Elctrovypryamitel - WST" includes producing quality products that compares well with the best of foreign analogs technical parameters.

        Guarantee periods for all manufactured transforming facilities produced by the works are as follows - 3 years during storage and 5 years of guarantee.

        Products quality is guaranteed by branch Quality Management System. It is confirmed by Compliance certificate, the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 and GOST RV 15.002-2003 applied to structural designing, engineering development, maintenance and  production, servicing of power semiconductor transformers of electric energy for armament and  fighting engineering.